понедельник, 30 ноября 2015
Нашла свой текст на креативное письмо. Суть была в том, что писать пришлось от имени антагониста.
А вСе МоИ оШибкИ прИми зА УлыбКичитать дальше
I searched for someone like me for the whole life. The day I discovered his existence was the luckiest in all my born days. I stayed in a luxury hotel in Paris (in which I checked in under the fake name), I was packing my stuff and watching BBC UK. The presenter said, that The London Police failed the investigation, but the private detective named Sherlock Holmes saved the situation and gratuitous helped Scotland Yard. I didn't wear a heart on my sleeve, but I even stopped to breathe. I was engaged in that crime and, trust me, it was almost impossible to figure out who really had stolen the Indian Diamond. That is how I, Irene Adler, first heard about Mr. Sherlock Holmes.
… I wasn't born wicked, I learned it. I wanted to love every human being, but I was cruelly rejected by the Whole World, so I started to demolish and ruin goodness and gave birth to avidity and carnality...
A few hours later I arrived to London, and the second thing I did after visiting my England's house was taking a cab to Baker Street 221B. The curtains were closed, but the light was switched on, so I saw His shadow through windows glass. Sherlock Holmes was a tall, slim man with a short hair and elegant, aristocratic movements.
I got obsessed with Him, not as a lover, but as an extraordinary, flamboyance human. That is why I bought the shop opposite the 221B house. As a new owner I visited the store every day. I overwatched. I carefully observed. My hero definitely was on the angels` side, while I was with demons.
One week later after my return from France I left off to Africa to provoke people to start a revolution in Dakar. After satisfactorily results I booked a ticket to Heathrow Airport and arrived to London. That rainy day I opened the door of my store and found a beige envelope on the floor. The sender pushed it through the door's slot. I tore the smooth paper bag and saw a postcard with Russian town Adler in it, a clipping from a Dakar newspaper and a little shiny diamond.
Sherlock Holmes won the game.
Кто нашел интертекст с Лермонтовым – тот молодец.